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Deploy Your JavaScript Framework on Apache VPS: React, Vue, Next.js & Nuxt.js

How to Point Domain and Host ReactJS, VueJS, NextJS and NuxtJS Project using Github on Apache Web Server VPS Hosting

  • Login to Your Domain Provider Website
  • Navigate to Manage DNS
  • Add Following Records:
A@Your Remote Server IP
AwwwYour Remote Server IP
AAAA@Your Remote Server IPv6
AAAAwwwYour Remote Server IPv6
  • Open Project on VS Code then add .gitignore file also create .env.example file (If needed)
  • Push your Poject to You Github Account as Private Repo
  • To Access Remote Server via SSH
Example:- ssh -p 22 raj@

Note:- Run Below Commands on Your Remote Server Linux Machine or VPS, Not on Your Local Windows Machine

  • Verify that all required softwares are installed
apache2 -v
node -v
npm -v
git --version
  • Install Apache
sudo apt install apache2
  • Install Node and npm
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - &&\
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Install Git
sudo apt install git
  • Verify Apache2 is Active and Running
sudo service apache2 status
  • Verify Web Server Ports are Open and Allowed through Firewall
sudo ufw status verbose
  • Make Connection between Remote Server and Github via SSH Key
  • Generate SSH Keys
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  • If Permission Denied then Own .ssh then try again to Generate SSH Keys
Syntax:- sudo chown -R user_name .ssh
Example:- sudo chown -R raj .ssh
  • Open Public SSH Keys then copy the key
cat ~/.ssh/
  • Go to Your Github Repo
  • Click on Settings Tab
  • Click on Deploy Keys option from sidebar
  • Click on Add Deploy Key Button and Paste Remote Server’s Copied SSH Public Key then Click on Add Key
  • Verify the Connection, Go to Your Server Terminal then run below
ssh -T
// OR
ssh -vT
  • You may get an error git @ Permission denied (publickey) If you will try to clone it directly on Web Server Public Folder /var/www So we will clone github repo in User’s Home Directory then Move it to Web server Public Directory
  • Clone Project from your github account
- Using HTTPS Path It doesnt require to setup SSH Key on Github
Syntax:- git clone https_repo_path
Example:- git clone

- Using SSH Path It requires to setup SSH Key on Github
Syntax:- git clone ssh_repo_path
Example:- git clone
  • Run ls command to verify that the project is present
  • Move Project Folder to Web Server public directory
Syntax:- sudo mv project_folder_name /var/www
Example:- sudo mv miniblog /var/www
  • Go to Your Project Directory
Syntax:- cd /var/www/project_folder_name
Example:- cd /var/www/miniblog
  • Install Dependencies
npm install
  • Create Production Build
npm run build
// OR
npm run export
  • Create Virtual Host File
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain.conf
  • Add Following Code in Virtual Host File
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/project_folder_name/production_build_folder_name
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  • Enable Virtual Host
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
sudo a2ensite your_domain.conf
  • Check Configuration is correct or not
sudo apache2ctl configtest
  • Restart Apache2
sudo service apache2 restart
  • Now you can make some changes in your project local development VS Code and Pull it on Remote Server
  • Go to Your Project Directory
Syntax:- cd /var/www/project_folder_name
Example:- cd /var/www/miniblog
  • Pull the changes from github repo
git pull
  • Create Production Build
npm run build
// OR
npm run export

How to Automate ReactJS, VueJS, NextJS and Nuxt Deployment using Github Action

  • On Your Local Machine, Open Your Project using VS Code or any Editor
  • Create A Folder named .scripts inside your root project folder e.g. miniblog/.scripts
  • Inside .scripts folder Create A file with .sh extension e.g. miniblog/.scripts/
  • Write below script inside the created .sh file
set -e

echo "Deployment started..."

# Pull the latest version of the app
git pull origin master
echo "New changes copied to server !"

echo "Installing Dependencies..."
npm install --yes

echo "Creating Production Build..."
# For ReactJS VueJS and Nuxt JS
npm run build

# For NextJS
# npm run export

echo "Deployment Finished!"
  • Go inside .scripts Folder then Set File Permission for .sh File
git update-index --add --chmod=+x
  • Create Directory Path named .github/workflows inside your root project folder e.g. miniblog/.github/workflows
  • Inside workflows folder Create A file with .yml extension e.g. miniblog/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
  • Write below script inside the created .yml file
name: Deploy

# Trigger the workflow on push and
# pull request events on the master branch
    branches: ["master"]
    branches: ["master"]

# Authenticate to the the server via ssh
# and run our deployment script
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Deploy to Server
        uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
          host: ${{ secrets.HOST }}
          username: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
          port: ${{ secrets.PORT }}
          key: ${{ secrets.SSHKEY }}
          script: "cd /var/www/project_folder_name && ./.scripts/"
  • Go to Your Github Repo Click on Settings
  • Click on Secrets and Variables from the Sidebar then choose Actions
  • On Secret Tab, Click on New Repository Secret
  • Add Four Secrets HOST, PORT, USERNAME and SSHKEY as below
Name: HOST
Secret: Your_Server_IP
Name: PORT
Secret: Your_Server_PORT
Secret: Your_Server_User_Name
  • You can get Server User Name by loging into your server via ssh then run below command
  • Generate SSH Key for Github Action by Login into Remote Server then run below Command OR You can use old SSH Key But I am creating New one for Github Action
Syntax:- ssh-keygen -f key_path -t ed25519 -C ""
Example:- ssh-keygen -f /home/raj/.ssh/gitaction_ed25519 -t ed25519 -C "gitactionautodep"
  • Open Newly Created Public SSH Keys then copy the key
cat ~/.ssh/
  • Open authorized_keys File which is inside .ssh/authroized_keys then paste the copied key in a new line
cd .ssh
nano authorized_keys
  • Open Newly Created Private SSH Keys then copy the key, we will use this key to add New Repository Secret On Github Repo
cat ~/.ssh/gitaction_ed25519
Secret: Private_SSH_KEY_Generated_On_Server
  • Commit and Push the change to Your Github Repo
  • Get Access to Remote Server via SSH
Example:- ssh -p 22 raj@
  • Go to Your Project Directory
Syntax:- cd /var/www/project_folder_name
Example:- cd /var/www/miniblog
  • Pull the changes from github just once this time.
git pull
  • Your Deployment should become automate.
  • On Local Machine make some changes in Your Project then Commit and Push to Github Repo It will automatically deployed on Live Server
  • You can track your action from Github Actions Tab
  • If you get any File Permission error in the action then you have to change file permission accordingly.
  • All Done