How to Create MongoDB Super User

How to Create MongoDB Super User
If Authorization is Enabled
1. Disable Authorization (if enabled):
Open the MongoDB configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
Comment out the following lines:
# authorization: enabled
2. Restart MongoDB:
Restart the MongoDB service:
sudo service mongod restart
3. Connect to MongoDB Shell:
Enter the MongoDB shell:
4. Show Databases:
Display all available databases:
show dbs
5. Change to Admin Database:
Switch to the admin database:
use admin
6. Create a Superuser with All Privileges:
Execute the following command, replacing "username"
with your desired username:
db.createUser({user: "username", pwd: passwordPrompt(), roles: ["root"]})
For example:
db.createUser({user: "superuser", pwd: passwordPrompt(), roles: ["root"]})
7. Verify Users:
Check if the user is created successfully:
show users
8. Enable Authorization (if disabled):
Open the MongoDB configuration file again:
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
Uncomment the following lines:
authorization: enabled
9. Restart MongoDB:
Restart the MongoDB service:
sudo service mongod restart
10. Access Mongo Shell as Super User:
Use the following syntax to access the Mongo shell as a superuser:
mongosh --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "username" -p "password"
For example:
mongosh --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "superuser" -p "Hello123456"
11. To Make Connection:
Use the following syntax to connect to MongoDB:
For example:
How to Create MongoDB User and Assign to a Database
1. Connect to MongoDB Shell:
If Authorization is disabled, simply run:
If Authorization is enabled and you have a Superuser, use:
mongosh --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "superuser" -p "Hello123456"
2. Show Databases:
Display all available databases:
show dbs
3. Create a New Database:
Choose or create a new database:
use database_name
For example:
use blogdb
4. Create a New User:
Execute the following command, replacing "username"
with the desired username and "database_name"
with the database name:
db.createUser({user: "username", pwd: passwordPrompt(), roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "database_name"}]})
For example:
db.createUser({user: "rahul", pwd: passwordPrompt(), roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "blogdb"}]})
5. Verify Users:
Check if the user is created successfully:
show users
6. Access Mongo Shell as User:
Use the following syntax to access the Mongo shell as the created user:
mongosh --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "database_name" -u "username" -p "password"
For example:
mongosh --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "blogdb" -u "rahul" -p "Hello123456"
7. To Make Connection:
Use the following syntax to connect to MongoDB:
For example: