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Server Access: Set Up SSH Key Authentication

Server Access: Set Up SSH Key Authentication
2 min read

Server Access: Set Up SSH Key Authentication

How to Access Server via SSH and Set Up SSH Key for Passwordless Authentication

Without setting up SSH Key, it will ask for a password each time we try to access the server.

Enhance security and convenience by establishing passwordless SSH logins using SSH key authentication. This guide explains the process of generating a key pair on your local machine, copying the public key to your server, and configuring your server to accept it.


  • A local machine (Windows, macOS, or Linux) with an SSH client installed.
  • An SSH server running on your remote server/VPS.
  • Access to both your local machine and server (SSH login credentials for the server).

To Get Access via SSH

  • Syntax: ssh -p PORT USERNAME@HOSTIP
  • Example: ssh -p 21350 root@


Run the commands below on your local machine, not on your VPS or remote server.

Generate SSH Key

ssh-keygen -f C:\Users\R/.ssh/my_key -t rsa -b 4096

Copy SSH Public Key to Remote Server (Not for Windows)

  • Syntax: ssh-copy-id -p PORT -i ~/.ssh/ USERNAME@HOSTIP
  • Example: ssh-copy-id -p 21350 -i ~/.ssh/ u27653@

Copy Public Key to Remote Server (for Windows)

  1. Make sure you have a .ssh folder on the remote server.

    • Syntax: ssh -P PORT USERNAME@HOSTIP "mkdir /home/USERNAME/.ssh"
    • Example: ssh -P 21350 u27653@ "mkdir /home/u27653/.ssh"
  2. Copy the public key.

    • Syntax: scp -P PORT SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH USERNAME@HOSTIP:/home/USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys
    • Example: scp -P 21350 C:\Users\R/.ssh\ u27653@